
Posted in Uncategorized on May 10, 2011 by giantsfan3127

Can you believe it? Just two more months left in the school year and we are done with school. This year went by as quick as lightning. However, I am able to recall almost any moment that happened in this class. Like when we read that god awful book Jane Eyre, or when we read Beowulf as a class, or doing these blogs. Although these blogs were very irritating to complete it helped with the transition to help me, Bennett Shinbein, become a better write for the future.

Most school teachers would give a creative writing assignment, or a timed-essay, or just simply an essay with no freedom. With these blogs, we were able to limit the list above and focus in something that most of us juniors wouldn’t be able to dream of, freedom to write. That’s why I believe these blogs served a purpose. It gave us a motivation to wake up in the morning and want to write. Am I going to say that I loved blogging? Absolutely, not. However, there could have been a lot worse of writing assignments when we are not given as much freedom as we are present with these blogs. These blogs helped inspire us to write for our own way. Well I can’t believe that we are done blogging, then after we kick ass in the junior paper, and read and write conceits the Class of ’12 can finally have the privilege of running this school and catch a disease known as the senioritis.

The Godfather v. LOTR

Posted in Uncategorized on May 2, 2011 by giantsfan3127


Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King wins this category so easily. I mean they have Gandolf the White, Aragon, Legolas, Gimili, Frodo, Sam, Pippen, Merry, and a bunch of other classic characters. The Godfather also has great characters too like Michael, the Don, Sunny, Fredo etc. However, nothing can compare to LOTR characters. They just have too many to choose from.


The Godfather comes  storming right back and wins this category. Don’t get me wrong, LOTR has such a cool plot line. I mean here we are in the theaters watching a bunch of people fight for their lives and the Middle Earth to their deaths. That’s pretty sweet! However, The Godfather actually has a plot that is kind a historical fiction. Not only that but also it shows a great source of themes and lessons you can learn from watching this 3 hour film. So I guess my major point is this, THE GODFATHER ACTUALLY SERVES A PURPOSE TO SOCIETY.


Francis Ford Cappola against Peter Jackson to go to the finals!!! This is what its all about, crunch time. Francis, my dear lad, created a 1970’s blockbuster hit. He also was able to show the characters progression a lot easier for the audiences at home watching it compared to Jackson. At first we see a young and innocent Michael Corleone, yet at the end of the film we see are starting to see the complete opposite. We saw a transition to his power! Capola was also able to show us foreshadowing and other literary devices that you can apply to a film, while Jackson doesn’t and if he does, doesn’t make it to obvious for the naked eye. Capola WINS!! THE GODFATHER WINS!!!!

The Dark Knight v. The Shawshank Redemption

Posted in Uncategorized on May 2, 2011 by giantsfan3127


In the Shawshank Redemption we get to see the progress of a friendship between two jailmates, Andy and “Red.” This friendship goes has its good days and then its had its bad days. Shawshank shows us how jail life is, but how friendships can never be broken through these two people. Although Shawshank does provide us with a good friendship, it doesn’t provide the audience with another classic character. The only two characters that come into mind are Brooks and the Warden. In comparison to The Dark Knight, The Shawshank Redemption has no shot to win this category. The Dark Knight has BATMAN/BRUCE WAYNE, Comissioner Gordon, Alfred, the Joker, and Harvey Dent/Two Face. The characters from The Dark Knight are such a dominate force, they win this category.


The Shawshank Redemption shows us the truth behind bars. It’s a cruel and corrupt system, but in it there lies hope for the people we pity. Andy Dufrain is sent to prison because he is charged with the crime of killing his wife and her lover. Although there is no evidence against him and we later find out it wasn’t him, Andy goes to Shawshank for about 20 years for something he didn’t do. However, he is able to make a friendship with one of inmates, Red, that will last forever. Although this does sound great, I personally think The Dark Knight has a better storyline. Here we see a corrupt city finally being cleaned up by the Batman and now all his progress is getting destroyed because of some lunatic dressed up like he escaped from an insane asylum. With this film we get to see comedy, action, and drama. In the 2 hours I was watching the film I just didn’t want it to end. Meanwhile with The Shawshank Redemption, at one point in the film I wanted it to end because I didn’t want to see poor Andy get denied again, but patience did prevail. Too bad that doesn’t help Shawshank’s case, The Dark Knight still wins this category.


Due to the fact that I personally believe that Nolan is one of the greatest directors of all time, The Dark Knight wins this category, although it doesn’t really matter cause it won the other two.

LOTR: The Return of the King v. The Matrix

Posted in Uncategorized on April 12, 2011 by giantsfan3127


Aragon, Legolas, Gandolf, Frodo are all classic characters in the classic tale of LOTR. Neo, Mr. Anderson, Trinity, and Morpheaus are also interesting characters in The Matrix. Both these films feature amazing characters. It’s going to  be a tough decision to decide who should win this category. In fact its such a tough call, I’m just going to say it’s a tie.


The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King had such a cool plot. I mean here we see the fallen king, Aragon, return back to his people at a crucial timing. Not only that, but also the movie depicts two hobbits attempting to destroy the one thing that keeps evil brewing. These two hobbits must destroy the ring or middle earth will never be the same. On the other hand we have The Matrix. This film journeys through a false reality with the protagonist, Neo, trying to help save the only city left Zion. This one also has to end up in a tie! 


Both Peter Jackson and the Wachowski brothers created films that only kids dream about. However, since the other two categories  ended up in ties I am going to need to decide on a victor here. Okay basically since Peter Jackson won an academy award and since the LOTR tied for the most academy awards ever won, Big Peter Jackson brings home the W in a tight one. LOTR advances!!!

The Godfather v. Raiders of the Lost Ark

Posted in Uncategorized on April 12, 2011 by giantsfan3127


“I’ll make him an offer he won’t refuse!” Classic line from the classic film The Godfather.  It was said by Don Corleone; if for some reason he doesn’t get his way then the Don will basically threaten him with death. How can Indian Jones compete with that? In any of his films, he never killed one person. In the Godfather, Don Corleone puts hits on other people and other people put hits on him. It’s a back and forth relationship between the mobs. I don’t think there is going to be a competition on this one.


The Godfather was about betrayal, loyalty, and a bunch of other life learning themes.  Themes that we can apply to any day life, and experience that are actually plausible. Raiders of the Lost Ark is all about Sci-Fi. Sci-Fi. is cool sometimes, but other times it just gets annoying and confusing. In fact, it has no life lessons to learn from it, sometimes I ponder the thought, Why am I watching this film?


The face off between Speilberg and Capola. I mean don’t get me wrong Speilberg is the best director ever, but Capola outsmarted him between these two films. Speilberg has created a lot of good films, but Capola created a masterpiece with this film and not even the great Speilberg can touch him.


Director, Characters, Plot- The Godfather

No surprise here, The Godfather plows through.

The Shawshank Redemption

Posted in Uncategorized on March 29, 2011 by giantsfan3127


In Forrest Gump the entire film is based on of one character, Forrest Gump. This man with an iq of 75 meets other friends such as Lt. Dan, Bubba, and the lovely Jeanne. How can anyone deny such a lovable character like Forrest? I mean I know Red and Andy (characters from The Shawshank Redemption) are great characters, but seriously? I do not think there is any competition with Forrest.


This is a pretty tough call. With Forrest Gump, we see the mid 20th century seen through a man with an iq of 75. With The Shawshank Redemption, we get to experience jail life for about 20 years. It’s tough, but I think Shawshank edges out. I felt as if The Shawshank Redemption had more of a connection and gave some valuable lessons to the audience. While Forrest Gump just shows history through someone else’s eyes. I just feel as if Forrest’s lessons aren’t valuable for today’s society.


This also a pretty toughy. Although Forres Gump was a great film and directed by a famous director, I still do not think it can top of The Shawshank Redemption. The Shawshank Redemption was done so beautiful that I still remember it in detail today. At first it seemed hard to make a decision between the two, but now I think I know who to choose.  


Characters- Forrest Gump

Plot- The Shawshank Redemption

Director- The Shawshank Redemption

Pulp Fiction v. The Dark Knight

Posted in Uncategorized on March 29, 2011 by giantsfan3127


Pulp Fiction’s characters are so classic and are still talked about today. The list of characters include: Vincent Vega, Mia Wallace, Jules Winnfield, Butch, Ringo, Mr. Wallace, and Yolando. All of these characters are unique in the film and each show us a trait that makes us love them even more. However, none of these characters from Pulp Fiction can meet the criteria that The Dark Knight’s characters serves to the table.  All I need to say is three characters and they are probably more memorable than the characters in Pulp Fiction. These three characters are Bruce Wayne/Batman, The Joker, and Harvey Dent/Two-Face.


Both these films demonstrate good plots. In Pulp Fiction we see some crazy stuff go down that it seems virtually impossible over the course of three days. The entire movie the audience has no idea what will happen next and that’s what makes this film a classic. The Dark Knight gives some suspense, but the plot of the film has more of a connection to today’s society. I mean of course there is no such vigilantes like Batman and the Joker, but the corrupt force, and citizens being humane is what makes this film more meaningful than Pulp Fiction.


Christopher Nolan was already on the map before The Dark Knight came out. If you are overly obsesses with films, like me, than you will take in account that this was not Nolan’s first great film. The same thing applies to Tarantino. However, Tarantino’s budget was only 8.5 million, yet Nolan’s budget far exceeded this. In a nutshell, Tarantino, with a far shorter budget than Nolan, was able to create arguably just as good as The Dark Knight.


Characters- The Dark Knight

Plot- The Dark Knight

Director- Pulp Fiction

The Dark Knight with a huge upset over the number 1 seed!!!!

LOTR: The Return of the King v. Saving Private Ryan

Posted in Uncategorized on March 22, 2011 by giantsfan3127


Does anyone know any other characters in Saving Private Ryan besides Private Ryan? Not really! I mean there is so many actors in the film that it amazes the audiences, but not very catchy names to buy into the movie. In Lord of the Rings, ALL of the characters are well-known in the film. The truth in the matter is that who would win in a fight a wizard or a private in world war II?


The point of Saving Private Ryan is very well-done, it’s just that LOTR has a better plot. In Saving Private Ryan, we see Tom Hanks and his crew trying to bring home one man. It’s very touchy, but I’m going to be honest here and say I would rather see some cool sci-fi go down.


Peter Jackson creates a world that no one can picture, but Speilberg just does something twice as better. Speilberg was given the hard task of attempting to portray the horrors of D-Day. Let it be known, that he didn’t do a good job, but a phenomenial job. That 30 minutes of Saving Private Ryan is almost as equivalent as Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings.


Characters: LOTR

Plot: LOTR

Director: Saving Private Ryan

Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King wins!!!

Inception v. The Matrix

Posted in Uncategorized on March 22, 2011 by giantsfan3127


Mr. Smith, Neo, Morpheus, Trinity, Tank are all characters in the blockbuster film The Matrix. Mr. Smith and two other agents take on the one (Neo) and the rest of the crew on the Nebuchadnezzer. The final battles between Neo and Mr. Smith are so epic that words can’t even describe the intensity between the two. Meanwhile, Inception is a great film, but doesn’t have that much noteworthy characters as The Matrix. For example, I forgot who Leonardo DiCaprio character’s name was at one point (it’s Cobb if anyone else was so misfortune and forgot).


The Matrix is a place where computers can take humans in the year 1999 and use them as a source for energy and power. Those who are able to get out are in the year 2199 and have “outlets” on their bodies so they can go into The Matrix and try to help save the humans in their. It’s a very hard concept to grasp and understand, but it doesn;t get any better with Inception. Inception is basically about this guy named Cobb who is trying to find his way back home. He realizes that the only way back home is by going into this dude’s mind and planting a thought into the dude’s mind so it helps out the guy that can get him back to his home. However, there is something at the end of the film that just makes the film twice as hard to understand it than before. I’m all confused trying to explain this film to my audience.


Does anyone know who the director is of The Matrix? I know it starts with a “W” and their brothers or something, but who cares. Besides The Matrix, I don’t know any films that they created were just as good as this masterpiece. Meanwhile, Christopher Nolan, who is the director of Inception, has come out with ingenuous and amazing movies like The Dark Knight. His films are well-known and now Nolan is a big time director while the “W” brothers are just some “bro’s” that never had it, besides The Matrix.


Characters: The Matrix

Plot: The Matrix

Director: Inception

An upset has occurred, The Matrix wins!!!!

Goodfellas v. Raiders of the Lost Ark

Posted in Uncategorized on March 15, 2011 by giantsfan3127


Indiana Jones is arguably the greatest action hero of all time. Played by Harrison Ford, Indiana and his girlfriend takes on the Nazi’s. What’s not to love here? We have a professor at day, but hero at night. We also have a guy that takes on the Nazi’s. If the Nazi’s are ever portrayed as a negative influence then the movie usually is going to be a good one, and especially since it involves the history part too. However, we have Jimmy, Tommy and Henry, who basically do whatever they want to do. It’s great to see and watch how they basically dictate how their town should be run.


Indiana Jones is about a professor battling Nazi’s for the lost ark, which is an object that held the ten commandments (ironic cause its jewish religion, yet the Nazi’s are chasing after it). Now its a race for time to beat the Nazi’s because with the power of the ark the Nazi’s will be nearly impossible to defeat. On the other side of the equation there is Goodfellas. Goodfellas is about three friends who basically run their town the way they want. After a while of watching Goodfellas it gets kind of boring, but Raiders of the Lost Ark keeps the viewer watching and entertained.


Speilberg (Raiders of the Lost Ark) v. Scorsese (Goodfellas). What an epic finish!!! Steven Spielberg was able to take something from the past and turn it into something of value. Add this with the action, drama and comedy and we got ourselves a masterpiece! Martin Scorsese was able to take three friends and able to drag it on for a long period of time and also shows the ups and downs with their relationships. It’s going to be a close one!!!


Characters: Goodfellas

Plot: Raiders of the Lost Ark

Director: Raiders of the Lost Ark